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The FDA is Endangering Women. You Can Take a Stand

Women face severe, even life-threatening, harm because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disregarded their health and safety.

By removing safety standards it once provided to women using abortion drugs, the FDA recklessly endangered them. And because of the FDA’s lawless actions, women and girls across the country have suffered.

This spring, we’re asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hold the FDA accountable. We’re representing pro-women doctors who have witnessed firsthand the harm to women and girls caused by what the FDA has done.

Will you stand with Alliance Defending Freedom and these courageous medical professionals by making a gift as we head to our nation’s highest court?

Cases that go all the way to the Supreme Court can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars from beginning to end—but the support of people like you can help secure victories that put an end to government abuses and overreach.

Thank you for your generosity!