
Protect Your Children from the Consequences of Critical Theory
The Constitution protects your God-given rights as a parent to raise your children with your values. But governments and radical school boards are trying to insert themselves and their harmful ideology between you and your child.
Download ADF’s free Parents’ Toolkit on Critical Theory today and equip yourself to defend your rights and learn how Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Transgender Ideology, and Comprehensive Sexual Education threaten your child. Get practical tips on how to engage policymakers and school boards to hold them accountable.
Guide to Navigating Gender Ideology in the Classroom
Parents have the ultimate responsibility to guide the education, healthcare, and other important life decisions regarding their child. However, harmful gender theory has permeated our education system, and many policies seek to drive a wedge between parent and child.
This short guide provides three helpful ways parents can exercise their foundational rights and protect their children from the devastation caused by gender ideology.
Confronting Religious Discrimination: A Guide for Foster & Adoptive Parents
Some governments are rejecting the applications of foster/adoptive parents based on their religious beliefs on gender and sexuality. When governments prioritize political ideology above the welfare of children in need of a forever home, this only hurts kids.
ADF has created this free guide to give you the facts about how important Christian families have been in caring for children for hundreds of years, how government policies like these harm children, and what ADF is doing to help protect the rights of families and provide forever homes to children.
K-12 Educators’ Guide
The Constitution protects the right of every American to speak freely and live out their faith, including in public schools. Unfortunately, many schools, school districts, and school boards are undercutting these rights with policies that force educators to violate their deeply held beliefs. But educators do not leave their constitutional freedoms at the schoolhouse door. Learn how the First Amendment protects the right of educators to live and speak the truth without fear of government punishment.

Students Rights Handbook
For students, parents, teachers, professors, and coaches:
From kindergarten through college, those on school campuses across the country are facing an increasing level of censorship and even punishment for speaking up about and living out their Christian values. But being a Christian means living out your faith in all aspects of your life, including at school, and the Constitution protects your right to do so.
Alliance Defending Freedom created this free legal guide to help you understand what your rights are on your school campus and give you the confidence to know that you don’t need to leave your faith at home.
DownloadADF Supreme Court Wins

Securing Freedom's Future
Since 2011, ADF has been blessed by God and the generosity of Ministry Friends with 15 U.S. Supreme Court wins as lead or co-counsel. Thanks to these monumental victories, our First Amendment freedoms and God-given rights are more protected today than they were 30 years ago. Securing Freedom’s Future is a look back at those victories and the impact they have had—and will continue to have—on our great nation.
DownloadConversation Guides

Defending Life: An Overview of Key Abortion Cases and Their Impact
Be ready to have impactful conversations with friends and family on abortion. Be ready to dispel common myths and help defend the rights of the unborn. Our guide provides a brief but detailed look at the abortion cases you need to know about, how they changed the legal landscape in America, and ways you can take an active role in standing up for unborn children.
Life: 3 Myths and 3 Facts
Conversations with friends and family about abortion have become increasingly heated and emotional. The historic outcome of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization provides a unique opportunity to dispel common myths about abortion while compassionately defending unborn lives. With this guide, we hope you will be prepared to navigate with boldness, truth, and grace the tough conversation involving abortion.
First Amendment Myths and Facts
ADF is committed to defending your right to speak freely without fear of government punishment. Free speech is essential to building and supporting a culture that respects the right of all Americans to have and express their own opinions—without fear of government punishment. Be prepared to effectively defend free speech in conversations with friends and family.
Religious Freedom: 3 Myths and 3 Facts
Conversations with friends and family can be challenging—especially if polarizing topics like politics or religion come up. Some religious freedom myths are accepted as truth and used to put down people of faith and religious organizations. When people say things like, “Religious freedom is just an excuse for discrimination,” we want you to be equipped to respond and set the record straight.
The U.S. Constitution: 3 Myths and 3 Facts
Understanding the U.S. Constitution is the duty of every American. Alliance Defending Freedom has been standing for freedom since 1994. We know first-hand how crucial our Constitution is—it stands between freedom and the rule of man. With this guide, we hope to prepare you to defend freedom and help friends and family better understand and appreciate our Constitution.
3 Lies About the First Amendment
Due to how polarized our politics are, many of us find that wading into conversations about our government can be murky. In an age where people believe that freedom of religion is an excuse to discriminate or that cancel culture is virtuous, how can we talk with others about the importance of the First Amendment? In this guide, you’ll learn how to winsomely defend religious freedom, free speech, and the Constitution against modern threats.
Abortion Lobby's Top 5 Lies
Combating the lies of the abortion lobby and helping to support and encourage women to choose life begins today, with each of us. It begins with sharing the love of Christ with those around us and coming alongside our neighbors in compassion to care for the dignity of every person, including women and their unborn children. Download this FREE guide on the truth about common lies about abortion today. When we share the truth with others—winsomely engage them in conversation and tell them how each and every life is created in God’s image—lives are changed.

Christian Counselors & Gender Ideology: A Review of Current Legal Threats
Counselors are facing the prospect of making a choice no American should ever have to make: speak the truth to clients knowing they might face devastating consequences, or abandon their faith in order to speak only government-approved values and perspectives.
Alliance Defending Freedom is standing up to defend the free speech of counselors. This guide equips you with the facts about where the threats are coming from and solutions for Christian counselors in the current legal landscape.
International Religious Freedom: 3 Myths and 3 Facts
Over 360 million Christians live in places where they face the challenge of persecution. From blasphemy laws carrying death sentences to arrests for silent prayers, hostility toward Christians and religious minorities is a serious reality worldwide. But many Americans aren’t aware of the threat—and with this helpful guide you can get the truth and learn how to pray for persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.Download

The Truth About Chemical Abortion Drugs: 3 Myths & 3 Facts
Finding truthful answers to questions surrounding chemical abortion drugs can be difficult, and this issue can be challenging for Americans to discuss. With this guide, you can be equipped to help defend the truth about abortion drugs and the FDA’s reckless removal of critical safety standards for the use of these drugs, which has endangered women and girls.

Protecting Your Pregnancy Center
For Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers:
It's becoming harder for leaders to navigate the legal and cultural issues their ministries face. Many activists and government officials are pushing laws and policies that would prevent pregnancy centers from operating according to their biblical beliefs.
This easy-to-understand resource describes practical steps you can take today to prepare your pregnancy center, so you can approach religious freedom legal issues with confidence.

Protect Your Ministry
For Churches, Christian Schools, and Christian Ministries:
Our Protecting Your Ministry manual will help you prepare for the legal intrusions some churches, Christian schools, and ministries around the country have already faced, along with other threats on the near horizon.
This free resource – meant for a wide range of Protestant, Orthodox, or Catholic faith-based schools, ministries, and churches – provides simple and effective ways to prepare your ministry to stand against lawsuits involving same-sex marriage, sexual orientation, or gender identity. It includes sample language for bylaws, checklists, model policies, client stories, and more.

Legal Guide for Sidewalk Counselors
For Pro-Life Sidewalk Advocates:
As a sidewalk counselor, you can bring hope and clarity to women and men facing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy by connecting with them and empowering them to choose life. To do this work faithfully and effectively, however, you should familiarize yourself with your rights.
Alliance Defending Freedom created this manual to educate you about your legal rights when engaging in sidewalk counseling. We pray this resource will help you be better equipped to serve the women and men entering abortion clinics every day.

Faith in the Workplace
For Christian Business Owners:
Your faith is what makes you who you are – it impacts everything about the way you live your life, including the way you run your business. While some business owners are cheered and commended when they blend certain beliefs and work, that isn’t always the case for Christian business owners. Now, more than ever, you need to know that, as a Christian who owns a business, you still have the freedom to run your business consistently with your beliefs.
With recent significant cultural and legal changes in our society, we’ve created a legal guide to help you navigate potential challenges to your business. Whether you are the founder of a brand new start-up, or a veteran CEO, this free resource is for you.