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Showing 282 results for "three ways colleges are suppressing speech how students can fight back"
  • Can a Court Dictate How a Christian College Carries Out Its Mission? Gordon … Revised January 2, 2024 Many students choose Christian colleges because they want to integrate learning with their … to their future careers. At Gordon College, professors are key to helping students make this connection. Professors …
  • … Google. But many of these large publicly traded companies are using their wealth and influence to engage in highly … away at our nation’s cultural foundations of free speech and religious liberty. When a publicly traded company … and their journalistic enablers have largely succeeded in suppressing a real discussion of the over-diagnosis of gender …
  • … and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!” In some ways, this encapsulates what some feel about the debate over … Monica and Kim to join Tanner in the fight against it. All three teachers believe that there are two biological sexes, … … pronouns … gender … transgender … academic freedom … colleges & universities … k-12 … public school … religious …
  • … Here’s How Our Laws Can Protect Fairness in Women's Sports Enacting … for female athletes on the books. And more states are looking to pass laws this year. Such a swift, nationwide … from powerful lobbyists employed by progressive state colleges, some state elected officials have not included …
  • … 3, 2023 Revised January 2, 2024 Public university campuses are supposed to be places where the free exchange of ideas … the country, including middle schools, high schools, colleges, medical schools, and law schools. One of these … they can bless untold numbers of others—even in unexpected ways. Learn more: … … 7799 … 7632 … 7631 … 7628 … 7633 … 7653 …
  • … used . Increasing numbers of young adults and children are adopting “gender identities” that don’t conform with … with each other.” In other words, “gender” refers to the ways various cultures and groups of people live out their sex … of Louisville officials on behalf of Dr. Josephson. Free speech For years, proponents of gender theory have made …
  • Speech Is Not Violence and Violence Is Not Speech Words may … today. Now, many administrators and college students are arguing to restrict free speech. More and more , people … to recapture as a culture: while we can’t always choose how words make us feel in the moment, we always have a choice …
  • … to comply with health guidelines. Churches even found new ways to gather for worship, through streaming online services … and their First Amendment rights were protected. Here are some examples: Discriminatory caps on in-person church … Scott preached to an empty room, as he had the previous three weeks. His congregation was in the parking lot of …
  • … his beliefs unless he had reserved a time in a campus “speech zone.” Georgia Gwinnett College had two speech zones, … it argued that its officials should get a free pass for how they treated Chike. Because of the changed policies and … College … Chike Uzuegbunam … student speechstudentscolleges & universities … education … religious freedom … …
  • … assistance (including every public school and almost all colleges and universities). And though “nondiscrimination” … messages consistent with their beliefs. Colorado officials are misusing a similar law to censor ADF client and graphic … and forcing school employees to address students in ways that are inconsistent with their sex. Practices like …