2nd Circuit to hear case of NYC workers subjected to discriminatory vaccine mandate

WHO: Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch
WHAT: Available for media interviews following oral arguments in New Yorkers for Religious Liberty v. City of New York
WHEN: Immediately following hearing, which begins at 10 a.m. EST, Wednesday, Feb. 8
WHERE: U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, Courtroom 1505. To schedule an interview, contact ADF Media Relations Manager AnnMarie Pariseau at (480) 417-3975.
NEW YORK – Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch will be available for media interviews Wednesday following oral arguments at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New Yorkers for Religious Liberty v. City of New York. The case involves a New York City mandate that forced city workers to be injected with the COVID-19 vaccine against their sincere religious beliefs if they wanted to keep their jobs and offered religious accommodations only on a discretionary—and discriminatory—basis.
“New York City firefighters, teachers, police officers, sanitation workers, and other public employees have lost their livelihoods, and many are losing their homes, due to the city’s discretionary and unconstitutional vaccine policies,” said Bursch, who will argue before the court on behalf of New Yorkers for Religious Liberty.
“These city heroes have dedicated their lives to serving their neighbors and keeping their city running safely and efficiently, yet New York City officials suspended and fired them because they cannot take the COVID-19 vaccine without violating their sincere religious beliefs,” Bursch continued. “But for athletes, entertainers, and strippers, the city found a way to loosen its mandate. We’re asking the 2nd Circuit to listen to these dedicated public servants, who are simply trying to provide for their families in a manner consistent with their faith. It’s past time New York City honored the faith tradition of its public workers and rescinded its unconstitutional vaccine policies.”
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.
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