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Shawnee State

Public colleges and universities have no business compelling anyone to express an ideological belief that they don’t hold. And they certainly shouldn’t be telling anyone which pronouns to use. But Shawnee State University and many other schools are trying to do just that. 

Thankfully, Dr. Nicholas Meriwether took a stand for freedom. And now, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit has ruled in his favor—delivering justice to this college professor whose entire career was threatened. Praise God!

This is what can happen when people of faith stand for the First Amendment. That's why your financial support is vital. When you give today, you help ensure that those who bravely stand for faith and freedom—like Dr. Meriwether did—never have to stand alone. 

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* Per Alliance Defending Freedom audited financial statements (FYE 6/30/2022)