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Showing 244 results for "biggest cases big law tilts decisively left"
  • … Standing Up to Big Banks’ Censorship Campaign No American should ever have … George Orwell’s 1984 , but they’re happening today. While “Big Brother” held a stranglehold on citizens of Oceania, Big Banks and Big Tech pose similar threats to our freedoms …
  • … Discriminatory Law Censored Pastor In the Reed v. Town of Gilbert case, the … … … 7616 … 7631 … 7617 … 7664 … Discriminatory Law Censored Pastor … 19181 … free speech … religious freedom … Court of the United States … Arizona … Discriminatory Law Censored Pastor …
  • … Colorado Law Censors Counselors Colorado is trying to force Christian … called to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). She sees her work as an outgrowth … that goal. But in Colorado, a Counseling Censorship Law threatens Kaley’s ability to speak with some of her …
  • … Are ADF’s Cases ‘Made Up’? ADF’s clients have faced laws that … to defend your rights? The short answer is no. When a law threatens your fundamental freedoms, you can challenge it … standing. Those who criticized it largely ignore that left-leaning groups like the ACLU have repeatedly used …
  • … This Louisiana Abortion Law Was Challenged All the Way to the Supreme Court A Louisiana abortion law was designed to protect women. The abortion industry … her uterus during an abortion. But the abortionist left her on the table for seven to eight hours as she lost …
  • … painting, but her own experiments with the medium left her frustrated. Then she met Breanna, who just happened … Code Section 18.4(B). According to city officials, this law required them to create artwork promoting events and … same-sex marriages. But it doesn’t stop there. The law even prohibited them from explaining that they can only …
  • … Professionals: Violate Your Conscience or Violate the Law ADF is challenging SB 1564, an Illinois law that would … was deliberately taking an unborn baby’s life, and she left the facility. But she still felt burdened to help women … to refer for abortion. That principle holds true in these cases as well. No one should be forced to express a message …
  • … Why EMTALA and Idaho’s Law Both Protect Life Both Idaho’s Defense of Life Act and … Even during the 50 years in which Roe v. Wade was the law of the land, Idaho passed laws to protect life to the … room doctors to perform abortions regardless of Idaho law. Ensuring patients receive care During the tenure of …
  • … At a time when free speech has been threatened at many law schools, a new rule from the American Bar Association … far too many of the stories stemming from our nation’s top law schools seem to have more to do with stifling speech than … instead been met with vicious verbal attacks. And in some cases, school officials have done little or nothing to quell …
  • … Proposed Maryland Law Threatens Rights of Health-Care Professionals The … driven interpretations of anti-discrimination law can trample religious freedom and conscience rights. … his administration to reinterpret “sex” in federal law. While President Barack Obama’s administration had …