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Showing 140 results for "dont be fooled calls codify roe"
  • … What You May Not Know: How ADF Helped Overturn Roe v. Wade Many years of planning and tireless work paid off … their entire lives for the day that Roe v. Wade would be overturned. On the morning of June 24, 2022, most had no idea that this would be the day. In May, there was an unprecedented leak of a …
  • … What You Need to Know About the Biggest Abortion Case Since Roe v. Wade Our federal abortion laws are stuck in the past. … can survive outside the womb) was widely considered to be between 24 and 28 weeks gestation in 1973, it is now considered to be between 21 and 22 weeks gestation. The reality is our …
  • … the good of the other, even when that might cause us to be unfairly hated or called hateful. Written by Eilbra … with affirmation and agreement. If someone claims to “be” something, the “loving” thing to do is affirm “who they … love in the way Jesus commanded us to love, we may be met with adversity. Unjust labels are thrown around, …
  • … school restrooms and locker rooms by sex used to be a given. It is an obvious way to respect everyone's … of the team or their parents that the student would be permitted to use the girls’ locker room, and the student … fees. The bottom line No one should lose their job or be suspended from school for voicing their opinion or calling …
  • … What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life? The dictionary definition of 'pro-life' doesn’t tell the whole story. Here’s what it means to be pro-life. Written by Bradley Evans Published May 12, 2022 … come from? Even before the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade in 1973, finding a supposed “right” to abortion …
  • … Victory! Connecticut Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Won't Be Forced to Speak Against Its Mission A pro-life pregnancy … of the various free services Caring Families provides can be done safely, effectively, and lawfully without a medical … preventing someone from saying something. But it can be violated in the other direction, too: the government …
  • … capacity.” The irony of such a statement seems to be lost on the ACLU. These bills could hardly be called “Re-Definition of Sex” bills when they merely seek … of “sex” seem novel and extreme. The ACLU shouldn’t be playing such word games. If the ACLU intends to make …
  • … Brnovich asked the courts to allow enforcement of a pre- Roe law protecting life from the moment of conception, and a … intervention in the case. Why Arizona’s law deserves to be defended First, Arizonans have chosen to protect life … Dobbs , an Arizona trial court allowed the law to again be enforced to protect life. Second, elective abortions not …
  • … names, even though he went on to say that everyone “should be welcomed in all aspects of the game of hockey.” But more … to live their lives and believe that all people should be welcome in all aspects of the game of hockey,” the … expressing messages that violate their beliefs. Despite calls to bench or otherwise punish them, teams are respecting …
  • … said that no “provision in our constitution ought to be dearer to man, than that which protects the rights of … amplify the messages and values we want to promote. It may be easy to take these freedoms for granted. But not every … our conscience to do what is right, the better off we will be. But we lose our ability to discern right from wrong the …