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Showing 258 results for "ireland must say no orwellian hate speech laws"
  • Laws Schools Must Protect Free Speech, American Bar … that for law schools to keep their ABA accreditation, they must enact policies that “encourage and support the free …
  • … Public-Accommodation Laws Must Respect, Not Violate, Free Speech In June, the U.S. … cannot misuse public-accommodation laws to force people to say something they don’t believe. Written by Kellie Fiedorek … to ensure people have access to basic goods and services. No one should be denied food at a restaurant, a ticket at a …
  • … protect? The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.” This provision … former ACLU president Nadine Strossen writes in her book HATE: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not … presumably, it would be a one-time event. All of this to say: words can certainly hurt our feelings in the short term, …
  • … When Love Is Called Hate, Still Choose Love Love seeks the good of the other, … the years, the work of ADF has sometimes been labeled as “hate.” While we entirely reject that characterization, it … importantly, what love is. Does our work to uphold free speech, religious freedom, the sanctity of life, marriage and …
  • … Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen Still in Court After ‘Hate Crime’ Charge for Quoting the Bible The Helsinki Court … officials are blatantly attacking free speech. There is no clearer example of this fact than the actions taken by the … biblical teaching, which is her right. This free speech must be protected, especially in a country that prides itself …
  • … We Must Protect Minors from Gender Transition Procedures State legislators must enact laws protecting minors from life-altering, dangerous gender … and likely sterilizing gender-transition procedures is no exception. States must enact laws that protect minors from …
  • … Challenged Washington State Law That Threatens Free Speech, Harms Clients Brian Tingley challenged a Washington … counseling goals during their sessions. The government has no business telling counselors what topics they can and … before doing the proper research. The government has no right to require counselors like Brian to advocate for …
  • … Congress Must Ensure Parental Rights Receive the Highest Level of … fulfill these responsibilities. Government officials have no right to raise parents’ children for them. And when … actions that burden constitutional rights like free speech and free exercise of religion. But these same courts …
  • … The MED Act: Why We Must Preserve Rights of Conscience for Medical Professionals … by God and worthy of protection, and Mount Sinai expressed no concerns about her beliefs. The hospital maintained a … this: Among Christian medical students, 36 percent say they have experienced discrimination during medical …
  • … of speech protects us from censorship of what we want to say, but we don’t often think about how the First Amendment … fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be … Supreme Court ruled unanimously that public universities must allocate student fee funding in a viewpoint-neutral …