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Showing 101 results for "issues marriage redefining marriage"
  • … the 1st Circuit strikes down DOMA in attempt to redefine marriage. Case Documents Court Title Date Appellate Court … the 1st Circuit strikes down DOMA in attempt to redefine marriage. … 7649 … 7648 … Gill v. Office of Personnel … Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit … same-sex marriageredefining marriage … Massachusetts … marriage … Case:Gill v. …
  • … amendment allowing the legislature to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman. They asked a federal trial court to overturn Hawaii’s marriage laws and order the state to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples. When the governor …
  • … of Columbia residents to vote on the legal definition of marriage. Case Documents Court Title Date U.S. Supreme Court … of Columbia residents to vote on the legal definition of marriage. … 7649 … 7648 … Jackson v. District of Columbia … Elections and Ethics (Jackson II)  … same-sex marriageredefining marriagemarriage laws … marriage … Case:Jackson …
  • … an amendment to the state constitution that defines marriage as between one man and one woman and forbids the … status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage.”  In direct violation of Wisconsin’s marriage amendment, lawmakers enacted into law a …
  • … challenging a state agency's attempt to redefine marriage in the state. The complaint alleged that the New … challenging a state agency's attempt to redefine marriage in the state. The complaint alleged that the New … The New York State Department of Civil Service … same-sex marriage … New York … homosexuality … Case:Lewis v. New York …
  • … approved a state constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. When a group of same-sex couples challenged Virginia’s marriage laws, Alliance Defending Freedom intervened in the … the Prince William County Clerk in charge of issuing marriage licenses in that county. Alliance Defending Freedom …
  • … That decision left in place a trial court order granting marriage certificates only to the two same-sex couples who … State Registrar ordered county clerks to issue marriage certificates to all same-sex couples, although the … unlawful order. Because Proposition 8, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman, is still the law …
  • … had paid and asked the court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 (“DOMA”), which defined marriage for purposes of federal law as the union between one … Foundation. … 7649 … 7648 … United States v. Windsor … redefining marriage … Supreme Court of the United States … …
  • … seeks to have Ohio’s constitutional amendment affirming marriage as the union of one man and one woman declared … Yes. Americans have the right to address important social issues through the democratic process. In 31 states, voters … Supreme Court of the United States … redesigning society … redefining marriagemarriage laws … marriage … …
  • … a directive from the state's governor regarding same-sex "marriage." Gov. David Paterson's directive ordered state … a directive from the state's governor regarding same-sex "marriage." Gov. David Paterson's directive ordered state … … 7649 … 7648 … Golden v. Paterson … taxpayer … same-sex marriage … New York … marriage laws … marriage … …