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Showing 277 results for "why my case could pick where masterpiece cakeshop left"
  • … As an Artist, Here’s Why It’s So Important to Be Able to Create Freely For me, it’s my religious beliefs that discern what I can and can’t … But looking around, I can see I’m not alone. There is a case coming before the Supreme Court ( 303 Creative v. Elenis …
  • … when the Department of Justice told Virginia that its vote could not count since the ERA was no longer up for debate, … is going nowhere, which brings us to the question of why it was wrong in the first place. Thanks to Phyllis … have to start over from the beginning. They can’t just pick up where they left off in 1979. Even the late Supreme …
  • … What Is Freedom of Conscience, and Why Does It Matter? The freedom of conscience is fundamental … In June 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that Colorado could not use its law to coerce Lorie to express a message … In July 2023, a federal district court ruled that the case must proceed. Freedom of conscience for faith-based …
  • … What Is Assisted Suicide, and Why Should You Care About It? Laws that legalize assisted … line and serve his country during the Gulf War. What he could not have known at the time was that years later, he … commonwealth’s prohibition on the practice and argued the case in court—an atheist academic also filed a brief …
  • Why They Tried to Cancel This Student for a Catholic Message … seven hours listening to about 100 students calling for my removal as Student Senate President,” Jack said . “Every …  is not protected and students  like Jack pay the price. Case timeline July 2020 : ADF attorneys sent a letter  to …
  • Why Web Design Is Art and a Freedom of Expression As a graphic designer, my designs express a message and are therefore speech … deeply held beliefs. Lorie challenged that law, and her case has gone all the way to the Supreme Court. In December, …
  • … What Are ESG Policies, and Why Are They Harmful? Activists are using ESG policies as a … Although many Americans have heard of ESG, not many know where it came from. Almost 20 years ago, former United … and 2ndVote , all dedicated to putting a stop to far-left activism in corporations. Vivek Ramaswamy, author of …
  • Why Anchorage Went After a Women’s Overnight Shelter The … out in the cold. The Hope Center filed a lawsuit so it could continue to serve this vulnerable population. Let’s take a closer look at the case and why the government came after this vital ministry. …
  • Why Male Athletes Who Identify as Transgender Should Not … fiercely dedicated to her sport since childhood—in her case, soccer. “I have made many sacrifices over the course of my athletic career to play the sport that I love,” she …
  • … No Strings Attached: Why the Government Shouldn’t Tax Churches Church tax … El Paso who hoped his radically “progressive” positions could elevate him to the White House. CNN anchor Don Lemon … government, but as the U.S. Supreme Court said in the 1819 case McCulloch v. Maryland , “the power to tax involves the …