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When you partner with us, you join an alliance

Kristin Waggoner

Thank you for helping make victory possible!

Last year, we received 6,512 requests for legal help from people like you—business owners, ministry workers, counselors, students, parents—brave people who are seeking justice and need someone to advocate for them. Whether they face censorship, government intrusion into their families, or threats to their fundamental, God-given rights, our clients receive representation in court free of charge—thanks to the generosity of friends like you.

Your partnership is critical to…

Supreme Court

… Winning at the U.S. Supreme Court

Last June, we were honored to win our 15th Supreme Court victory since 2011—a monumental “Generational Win.” Winning for Lorie Smith in 303 Creative v. Elenis is a free speech win for all.

Get the lowdown on more historic wins

… Standing Shoulder to Shoulder with Courageous Clients

Check out just a few of the many victories for freedom that friends like you made possible over the last year.

Maggie DeJong

Maggie DeJong

Maggie’s University Tried to Silence Her. She Wouldn’t Stay Quiet.

Aspiring art therapist Maggie DeJong was targeted for her beliefs—and even faced ‘no-contact orders’ to silence her. But she won her case. And her faith has been deepened.

Faith & Justice: “It has changed me. It has made my resolve much more firm.”

Kettle Moraine

Kettle Moraine

A Mother Stood Up for Her Child—and Won

Wisconsin’s Kettle Moraine School District told Tammy they would treat her daughter as a boy—no matter Tammy’s wishes. Tammy wouldn’t stand for that.

Go Deeper: Children Deserve Real Care, Not More Confusion

David Bloch

David Bloch

David Was Fired for Stating Facts. Now He’s Been Vindicated.

David Bloch, a snowboarding coach at a Vermont high school, was fired for sharing that males are biologically different from females and that those differences give males an advantage in sports. He went to court, and Vermont officials paid the price.

His Story: “My players understand the importance of telling the truth.”

Steve Tennes

Country Mill Farms/Steve Tennes

Banned for Their Beliefs, Nearly Seven Years Later Religious Freedom Wins

For years, Steve Tennes and his family sold their farm’s produce at a farmer’s market in East Lansing, Michigan. Then, they were discriminated against for living out their beliefs about marriage and banned from the market. With the help of friends like you, they stood up—and won.

Watch: How the Government Punished a Family Business for Sharing Their Beliefs 

Peter Vlaming

Peter Vlaming

Landmark Ruling for Virginia Teacher Protects Free Speech

High school French teacher Peter Vlaming was fired from his job in West Point, Virginia, for declining to refer to a female student with male pronouns. In a historic ruling, the Virginia Supreme Court vindicated Peter’s rights to free speech and religious freedom.

Dive In: How Preferred Pronouns Threaten Free Speech


… Engaging in the Battle of Our Generation

Freedom cannot survive in a culture that has abandoned truth and rejected reality. Wherever human freedom is threatened, we stand ready to defend it. In courtrooms, legislatures, and the public square—you’ll find us on the frontlines.

“I say it every chance I get: ADF is absolutely indispensable. Because I follow religious liberty cases closer than most, I know how vital their work is. But it is very, very costly. Christians everywhere should donate generously to ADF (it’s tax-deductible); you never know when the liberty it saves will be your own.”

– Rod Dreher, author of The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation and Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents

Justice Balance

Go Behind Our Current Cases


Bryan and Rebecca Gantt

Bryan and Rebecca Gantt

“There are lots of families like us out there that would love, accept, care for any child that's placed on our home ... And yet now because of this one thing, they're excluding people like Rebecca and I—families like us—who could take care of these kids.”

READ: Vermont Imposes Gender Ideology Litmus Test for Foster Parents

READ: Vermont to foster parents: Promote gender ideology or lose your license

Dr. Andrew Fox

Dr. Andrew Fox

“I am not the first to face this injustice,” Dr. Fox says, “but I am speaking out because I’d like to be the last.”

WATCH: Fired for His Personal Blog, Dr. Fox won’t be Bullied into Silence

READ: This Volunteer Chaplain Was Fired—For His Christian Beliefs

Selina Soule

Selina Soule

“I’m just trying to bring back fairness to my sport and trying to make sure that young girls won’t be in the same situation that I have been in and feel the same pain that I have felt.”

WATCH: Selina Soule was forced to compete against males in HS track

READ: Connecticut Policy Denies Opportunities to Female Athletes

Supreme Court

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When you partner with ADF today to advance the right to live and speak the truth, you help us work to make a generational impact. With threats mounting against your fundamental freedoms, the gifts of friends like you are needed to advance the cause of truth and justice.